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Biscuit My Teacher

For those who have been following my blog know that little Biscuit is our furbaby!  He arrived to live with us on January 7, 2011, after first meeting him and adopting him on December 24, 2010.  Biscuit has literally gone through a swift and wonderful transformation from a very sad and extremely timid dog living on the streets of North Carolina to a confident, loyal, and loving companion who travels with us almost every place we go!  Our lives are so much richer with Biscuit!

Live in the Present

Biscuit does not regret the past or ruminate about the future.  Biscuit lives here, now, and in this moment, responding to whatever is happening around him.  Biscuit reminds me to live in the present and to be present for him.

How much time do we spend in the past or the future?  How much ‘now time’ do we waste by going over what happened yesterday, last week, last month, last year, or by worrying about what might happen tomorrow?  When we do this, we lose some of the precious moments that are happening now because we are really just in our heads most of the time.  Also, the greatest gift to our animals to live in the present with them.  I practice being present with Biscuit each day.

Remember to Play

As humans, I think we forget this.  In our modern and fast-paced world, it seems to be all work and very little play.  Some people forget how to laugh because playtime is not regular enough.

I have learned to play more — especially with Biscuit!  Even though I have work to complete, I do it with a much more relaxed attitude, which is far healthier.

It is also good for the heart.  Playing with a dog generates oxytocin, a hormone that helps reduce stress and promotes happiness.  Overall and all the way around, dogs (animals) really help us in many ways and they enrich our lives!

Our greatest teachers are closer than we think

I now understand why some people say, ‘Did you know that Dog is God spelled backwards?’  I understand it now.   It is so simple, yet profound.

I believe that I have gently and gradually grown in mindfulness and awareness; however, being with Biscuit has led to awakenings in my life during this small segment of time.  Biscuit has been my/our teacher — he has opened my heart to new experiences.  He has taught me to be more present, aware, and patient.  He has also taught me to have more gratitude for the small things in life.  To me, what seems like something very small, makes a huge difference in Biscuit’s  life, impacting his happiness.   Biscuit is also my muse.  I likely have thousands of photos of our little man documenting our time together!  Biscuit came into our lives at the perfect time.  I truly believe that he is meant to be with us — he has truly captured our hearts forever.  I believe animals have a way in teaching us all about ourselves if we are willing to open our hearts and invest in the experience completely.


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Biscuit and me on top of Mount Equinox!

2 Comments Post a comment
  1. Dana Atnip #

    What a beautiful picture of you and Biscuit! It’s true, I have always felt that animals are our best teachers (and also the most patient ones!)

    June 14, 2013
  2. Pat Pope #

    What a great picture! Your message today is SO true! Often though we need to be reminded… Please tell Biscuit there is someone far away who cares about him very much. Sometimes I feel so alone (even though I have family nearby). Our “conversations” make me care about something and it reminds me so much of Major. I also feel like you are my friend even though I know you and Biscuit have alot of fans.

    June 15, 2013

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