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Posts from the ‘For Artists’ Category

Photography Quotes

It has been a very hectic week here, and the week flew by, again! Below are some of my favorite photography quotes that I lean on for inspiration. I hope you enjoy them as well!

“Art is seldom the result of true genius; rather, it is the product of hard work and skills learned and tenaciously practiced by regular people.” –Sally Mann

“The picture is like a prayer, an offering, and hopefully an opening through which to seek what we don’t know, or already know and should take seriously.” –Emmet Gowin

“To me, photography is the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event.” –Henri Cartier-Bresson

“All photographs are accurate. None of them is the truth.” –Richard Avedon

“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving.  What you have caught on film is captured forever…it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.” –Aaron Siskind

“Your photography is a record of your living, for anyone who really sees.” –Paul Strand

“It’s not when you press the shutter, but why you press the shutter.” –Mary Ellen Mark

“Photographing a cake can be art.” –Irving Penn

“In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality.” –Alfred Stieglitz

“Photography to the amateur is recreation, to the professional it is work, and hard work too, no matter how pleasurable it may be.”  –Edward Weston

“To me, photography is a major force in explaining man to man.” –Edward Steichen

“Look and think before opening the shutter.  The heart and mind are the true lens of the camera.” –Yousuf Karsh

“It has never been my object to record my dreams, just the determination to realize them.” –Man Ray

“Which of my photographs is my favorite?  The one I’m going to take tomorrow.” –Imogen Cunningham

“Everything is a subject.  Every subject has a rhythm.  To feel it is the raison detre.  The photograph is a fixed moment of such a raison detre, which lives on in itself.” –Andre Kertesz

“Stare.  It is the way to educate your eye, and more.  Stare, pry, listen, eavesdrop.  Die knowing something. You are not here long.”  –Walker Evans

“Photography is more than a medium for factual communication of ideas.  It is a creative art.” –Ansel Adams

“I really believe there are things nobody would see if I didn’t photograph them.” –Diane Arbus

Make Your Own Path

I love these word by Lisa Congdon about making your own path in life, and maybe these words will resonate with you as well!

In the world today, we have so much more direct information about other people’s lives than we’ve ever ever had before. Social media keeps us abreast of everyone’s activities and accomplishments. As a result, we may sometimes feel like our lives aren’t as interesting as other people’s or that our work isn’t as impactful or our bodies aren’t as attractive. What we see on social media can make us feel horrible about ourselves! So, it’s important to use social media judiciously and to stay focused on the health and progress of your own journey without comparison. Create and nurture your own path.


“Creativity is for everyone — it’s an innate human trait to build things and to express ourselves through the things we make.” —Suleika Jaouad

I loved Jaouad’s memoir Between Two Kingdoms. It was a wonderful read, and I highly recommend it. I love her ideas on creativity, balance, and rest. Below are a few excerpts from Jaouad on creativity from an interview on creativity, that I enjoyed, and you might too.

Doing things I’ve never done before, sparks joy. Over the last year, I’ve tried my hand at everything from painting watercolors to flower arranging, and I’m always looking for new forms of creative expression to twist my practice out of its usual ruts. Most recently it was a creative conversation with my husband, Jon Batiste. We sat down on the floor of his studio with a couple of microphones and some powerful community-sourced questions about life and creativity. We’d never really worked together in a professional capacity, and it was really fun to make something together, to learn how to edit audio and then to send it off into the world.

I am drawn and love journaling because it doesn’t require any training or expertise, and the barrier to entry is so low. You just need a notebook and a pen. Also, it can take any shape—stories, lists, poems or some kind of hybrid between writing and doodling. If you’re feeling uninspired, prompts can be useful too — The Isolation Journals has an archive of over 200 free creative prompts to get you started.

In the past, I wrapped up a lot of my self-worth in my productivity, which made it a struggle to balance rest and work. When I was diagnosed with cancer at 22, I wrote my column from my hospital room. While it was an amazing opportunity, I often pushed my body to the point of making myself sicker. I realized I had to build a career accommodating my limitations and lingering health challenges. So I chose the freelance route, which gave me as much flexibility as I needed.

Recently I’ve been thinking about the conflation of doing your best with doing the best. I think it’s a product of how hyper-productive and hyper-competitive American culture is — but whatever the case, I’ve been trying to disentangle the two. And I think that doing my best is trying my hardest, but not at the cost of my own well-being or the well-being of others around me. 

In terms of self-forgiveness and when doing your best falls short, I have a type-A personality and a turbo-charged, hyper-productive mentality, so I rarely feel like I’m doing enough. Something I’ve been trying out lately is keeping an accomplishment log of everything I did that day. Not only the work tasks but also the tendernesses — those good things I’ve done for myself and the people I care about. I count the work call and the nap equally. When I make that list, not only do I feel that I’ve done enough, I feel proud of my body and proud of myself.

I’m a big believer in contagion magic, which is the idea that objects are imbued with the people and places they’ve come in contact with. The objects I fall in love with and fill my home with typically hold some kind of special meaning to me. I’m an avid flea market and thrift store hunter of beautiful, unlikely finds, especially those that make you double-take, like a trompe l’oeil. 

We will all have life interruptions, be it illness or heartbreak or some other unexpected plot twist that brings you to the floor. Often we think we need to get through these times as quickly as possible. But the in-between moments, even though they’re difficult, are sacred and transformational. They’re rites of passage and should be honored, not rushed. Ultimately, I hope that my book Between Two Kingdoms feels like a companion through those valleys.

“[As] we get older, we tend to accept this strange idea that if we don’t do something professionally—if we’re not pursuing painting or writing or music seriously—that it’s not for us. I just don’t accept that. Humans are deeply creative beings.” —Suleika Jaouad

Read the full interview here.

Wise Words

We have all been sick, and I was recently talking to a friend about all of the ups and downs of life, that really make a whole life, which reminded me of this wonderful quote, below by Hugh MacKay, which I have always loved:

I actually attack the concept of happiness. The idea that—I don’t mind people being happy—but the idea that everything we do is part of the pursuit of happiness seems to me a really dangerous idea and has led to a contemporary disease in Western society, which is fear of sadness. It’s a really odd thing that we’re now seeing people saying “write down three things that made you happy today before you go to sleep” and “cheer up” and “happiness is our birthright” and so on. We’re kind of teaching our kids that happiness is the default position. It’s rubbish. Wholeness is what we ought to be striving for and part of that is sadness, disappointment, frustration, failure; all of those things which make us who we are. Happiness and victory and fulfillment are nice little things that also happen to us, but they don’t teach us much. Everyone says we grow through pain and then as soon as they experience pain they say, “Quick! Move on! Cheer up!” I’d like just for a year to have a moratorium on the word “happiness” and to replace it with the word “wholeness.” Ask yourself, “Is this contributing to my wholeness?” and if you’re having a bad day, it is.

I really love that.

You Are Exactly Where You Need To Be

These words, below, by Lisa Congdon resonated with me, and maybe these words will resonate with you, too! 

This phrase [You Are Exactly Where You Need To Be] can be life-changing when you apply it to difficult situations. When we say to ourselves, “This isn’t working out the way I wanted, and this is exactly where I need to be,” it reminds us that everything that happens on our paths — even the confusing, scary, disappointing stuff — is an essential part of our path, there to teach us something or humble us in some way. It also reminds us that every person’s path is different. Your path is yours. Hers is hers. His is his. Theirs is theirs. What we can control is how much openness we extend to ourselves on our paths, how much we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, fumble, fail, and risk with a sense of humor and affection. May we all do better at allowing the full range of our experiences — even the crappy experiences — to nurture us.

Image courtesy of Oamul Lu.

Where is Art Derived?

This is such an interesting idea, this poem by Ha Jin, shown above. Do you agree that poetry (and all art, music, etc.) stems from grief? For sure, I believe that we can take whatever grief we cannot eliminate, and make it into a creative offering.

But if grief were no more — would we stop creating? Perhaps, in addition to grief, wonder and the numinous are other sources for creative inspiration.

I believe art and nature shows us the essence of why we are alive and (if you are spiritually inclined) the divine.


How lovely is that?

So, recently, I took a walk around the neighborhood with Alex and Victory, and, let me tell you, glimmers abound. Here is a short list:

*Pushing Victory in her Hound About, while seeing her fur glistening in the sun.

*Seeing Alex balancing well on her scooter.

*Alex telling me all about the artwork she plans to make.

*Seeing beautiful flowers blooming.

*Feeling the cool, spring breeze.

*Seeing the sun start to set.

What glimmers have you seen lately?

Really Exciting News…

I have some really exciting news — my debut book will be released by the publisher during the fall of 2024, which focuses on a long-term photography project I completed employing dogs as my subject, further studying the relationship between dogs and humans. There has never been a project like mine published; and I worked tirelessly for over a decade, and I am extremely elated to have finished everything to turn into the publisher this month! It was a huge feat, to say the least! There is still much to get done, but I am so grateful to have reached this point in the journey. Importantly, this project would not exist if it were not for our sweet dear Biscuit.

Most of all, I am very excited to have the opportunity to share this work with a wider audience to raise awareness about dog rescue and to hopefully help as many dogs in need as possible. (I had previously mentioned, here on the blog, from time to time, over the years, about working on my project.) There are so many people to thank that have helped me along this journey and made this book a reality; and I have two wonderful people writing the foreword and afterword for the book. Additionally, I hope that this book can serve as inspiration to others to really go for their dream, even if it feels impossible.

This blog community is the first place where I have publicly announced this news. When I am able to share more details, I will! I will also let you know when the book is available for pre-order. Along with sharing here, I also hope to create a newsletter to bring you along on this part of the journey.

Thank you for reading!

Why Beauty Matters

Why does beauty matter, despite the really difficult things going on in our world? I love quotes, and I love this quote by C.S. Lewis, below.

“Human life has always been lived on the edge of a precipice. Human culture has always had to exist under the shadow of something infinitely more important than itself. If men had postponed the search for knowledge and beauty until they were secure, the search would have never begun. We are mistaken when we compare war with ‘normal life.’ Life has never been normal.” ―C.S. Lewis

As Lewis suggests: life has never been perfect, the precipice has always been near. And yet―these moments of unbearable beauty mean more than anything else that might ever happen to us. In fact, the precipice is the reason why they mean so much. They point us in the direction of the beautiful world, the one we feel so improvably sure is out there somewhere.

Katherine May: How to Find More Joy in Your Day

It is almost spring, technically, even though it still really feels like winter here with cold temperatures. I hope these ideas, below, might help you in this season. I already ordered Enchantment, and I cannot wait to read it!


It all started with a post-it note.

“Go for a walk,” it said, the matter-of-fact command enthroned prominently above Katherine May’s desk.

Ms. May, a British author who wrote the best-selling memoir Wintering about a fallow and difficult period in her life, had been going through tougher times during the height of the pandemic. She was bored, restless, burned out. Her usual ritual – walking – had been dropped, along with other activities that used to bring her pleasure: collecting pebbles, swimming in the sea, enjoying a book.

“There was nothing that made the world interesting to me,” Ms. May said in a recent interview with The New York Times. “I felt like my head was full and empty at the same time.”

In Ms. May’s latest book, Enchantment, she describes how a simple series of actions, like writing this note, helped her discover little things that filled her with wonder and awe – and in turn, made her feel alive again to be.

“You have to keep pursuing it until you feel that tingle that tells you you’ve found something that’s magical to you,” Ms. May said. “It’s trial and error, isn’t it?”

We asked Ms. May for tips on how you can do the same.

Commit to noticing the world around you

“We must find the humility to be open to experience each day and allow ourselves to learn,” Ms. May wrote in Enchantment.

It’s “easier said than done,” she admits.

“Don’t get distracted by thoughts that tell you it’s stupid or pointless or a waste of time or that you’re way too busy to possibly do it,” Ms. May said during the interview. “Instead, give yourself permission to even want that — to long for that contact with the sacred and that feeling of being able to commune with something bigger than you.”

Entering into a state of wonder is akin to flexing a muscle, Ms. May said. Put yourself in that mindset more often and it gradually becomes easier.

First of all, you need to “give in to the fascination” that you feel in everyday moments. Ms. May, for example, gets “really excited” when she sees light dancing across the surface of her coffee.

But don’t force it. The key, she said, is to keep looking for the things that amaze you — and trust that you will find them.

What you find pleasant may be quite simple: Ms. May has often felt awe when examining a small vermin in her garden.

“We told ourselves that everything has to be this big,” she said. “Actually, we can just breathe out and live a pretty small life.”

Ask yourself a simple question

Instead of thinking about what you find adorable that’s too difficult to answer, Ms. May suggests asking yourself a different question: what calms you down?

It could be a walk. Or visit an art museum. You might like watching the moving clouds.

Whatever it is, find a way to do it. Every morning Ms. May goes outside and smells the air “like a dog,” she said, laughing. She notices the color of the sky and how her skin feels in the cool air.

For some people, that calming moment could be found at a place of worship or gazing at the moon.

“The moon is so beautiful, and when you look at the moon you can’t help but notice the stars and planets in the night sky,” said Ms. May, who regularly observes the moon phase. “It’s just a beautiful, beautiful thing to do. Daily. And it’s that simple.”

Consider and reflect in your own way

If you want to spend more time in personal reflection but are concerned about doing it the “right” way, put those concerns aside.

For example, when Ms. May was learning to meditate, she wanted to do it twice a day for 20 minutes, but not before or after sleep and never after a meal. Then she became a mother and finding time to meditate became more difficult.

“You get to a point in your life where you’re like, ‘This is just impossible,’” she said. “For a long time I thought, ‘I failed. Obviously I should be able to do that.’”

Finally, she had a realization: the problem wasn’t that she hadn’t tried hard enough, but that these rules weren’t made for her. They had been created by someone who had never walked in their shoes.

Now she meditates in a different way. Sometimes she does this for five minutes in the middle of the night or while walking in the woods.

“For me, it’s never been about clearing my head,” Ms. May said. “It’s about taking on the slower-paced kind of work, processing all those things that are itching in the back of your mind.”

Do it because it feels good.

People tend to think that it’s kind of naïve to seek pleasure for pleasure’s sake, Ms. May said. In other words, we’re more likely to assign value to things that are considered practical and efficient.

But you don’t need dates or any other compelling reason to do something you enjoy.

For example, one of Ms. May’s hobbies is cold-water swimming. She doesn’t do it to burn calories. Rather, it’s “for the sheer joy of being in this incredible space,” she said, not to mention “how sensual it is and the amazing feel-good hormones it releases.”

And although Ms May initially took a beekeeping course to learn how to make honey at home, that goal became less urgent when she was awed as a student.

“Technically I could still do that, but I now realize I never really wanted to,” Ms. May wrote in Enchantment.

The joy of it all—the connection with her teachers and classmates, the sensual pleasures—surpassed any practical ambitions.

“I want to take it slow, absorb my lessons on the skin and the ears, get pricked sometimes,” she wrote of the experience. And she described the wonder she found in the class: “They’re so loud when they’re all singing together, and with the smell of honey and propolis, the smoke, the whole box vibrating under your hands, it’s quite absolute, the human-bee interaction”


(Source for this above interview.)